Make an
impact today

OffCenter Community Arts Project is a collaborative, living, creative project sustained by and sustaining many.

Support our mission today: make a donation, become a sponsor,
or connect with our programs!

Ways to Support OffCenter Arts

“The writing group has shown me a skill I didn’t know I had.”

— Weekly writing group participant

“I’m growing in here and changing, finding other talents I never knew I had. Day one they took me in and ever since it’s felt like home.”

-OffCenter Arts participant

“I enjoy coming here- it relaxes me a lot and I like to make pretty things.”

-OffCenter Arts participant

“I began coming to OC after my husband died. I needed to get out of the house and be with other people. From the minute I walked in the door I felt welcomed. Being at OC and interacting with ALL kinds of people helps me to keep a more balanced perspective on my own like. OC helps me heal every day.”

-OffCenter Arts participant


Not finding your question (or answer)? Email us at

  • Yes, OffCenter Community Arts Project is New Mexico nonprofit corporation and is an exempt organization as described in section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. OffCenter’s federal tax ID number is: EIN #85-0480889.

  • Financial support is one of the most impactful ways to partner with us! Learn more about becoming a sponsor for programs and events here. Have ideas for a creative collaboration or other partnership? Awesome! Email

  • Most donations go towards our general operating costs, which includes employee payroll and building expenses, as well as to support our programs. Donations help pay for classes, studio supplies, and our free drop-in goups. Sponsorships are available to support specific programs and events (details here). Learn more in our Annual Reports, found here.

  • The best way to support our work is whatever way fits with your life right now. Recurring monthly donations are an important source of consistent support. Volunteers and donations of art supplies and materials are key to the studio running smoothly. One time donations and sponsorships enable us to provide the programs our community loves!