Our Mission is to enhance the lives of all people in our community by providing a safe and supportive environment for art-making and social interaction.
Unity in Place | OffCenter Arts | Episode 3
OffCenter was thrilled to be featured in the Unity in Place series for One ABQ Media! Check out the video to see a slice of what we do here — and then come by the studio to join in the fun!
Directed by Andre Ross, this video was created for the City of Albuquerque as part of the One Albuquerque Media GOV-TV 16 series, Unity in Place. An exploration of local creative characters and spaces, Unity In Place examines the point where the individual and the collective intersect. Pulling narratives from the worlds of art, entertainment and commerce, the series will document atmospheric and compelling real-life stories that weave a web of human inter-connectivity. Watch more Unity in Place videos on YouTube here!
About OffCenter
Our Mission is to enhance the lives of all people in our community by providing a safe and supportive environment for art-making and social interaction.
We’re Committed to:
Encouraging and respecting creativity in all its forms.
Partnering with other groups to serve more people, in more ways.
Developing and promoting economic opportunities for artists.
Continuing to evolve and grow.
How We Started & Where We’re Going
Founded in 2001, we were one of the very first Art Hives. Today there are over 300 hives. An Art Hive is a community art studio that welcomes everyone as an artist. From an art pop-up in a local library to a community studio or gallery, at its heart, an Art Hive is about inclusion, respect and learning.
In 2021, we celebrated our 20th anniversary! We’re thrilled to continue to work of providing everyone in our community free access to art-making materials and space. In 2022, we’re bringing back more of the classes that you love, expanding Open Studio hours, and opening up for Kids’ Open Studio (on Saturdays beginning in August)! Stop by during Artwalk, join in a workgroup, shop the gallery, and come make art with us during Open Studio.
In our Studio
OffCenter’s studio space has a wide variety of tools and materials, free and available for you to use! Art making supplies for painting, drawing, collage, 3-D assemblage and sculpture, jewelry making, and fiber arts! We have sewing machines and lots of fabric. Our print studio is equipped for screen printing and block printing. We accept donations of both art making materials as well as tools and supplies! Come by to see what we have and make something new today!
808 Park Ave SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
MONDAY: Closed - except for 10:30 am - 12 pm Writing Group
TUESDAY: 10 am to 2 pm - Kids Open Studio
12:30-2 pm - Puppet Theater Workgroup
WEDNESDAY: 10 am to 12 pm - Quiet Open Studio
12 pm to 6 pm - Open Studio
3-5 pm - Fiber Art Workgroup
6 to 8 pm - Open Sew
THURSDAY: 10 am to 12 pm - Quiet Open Studio
12 pm to 6 pm - Open Studio
3-5 pm - Card & Collage Workgroup
FRIDAY: Closed - except for monthly ABQ Artwalk openings
SATURDAY: 10 am to 2 pm - Open Studio
Drop in Drawing group 10 a.m-12 p.m
Plus: Saturday afternoon workshops & classes
Find details on upcoming classes & register here.
Stop by to shop the gallery, drop off art supply donations, check out our rotating exhibits, or take a tour of OffCenter’s studio during all regular open hours:
Tuesday & Saturday 10 am to 2 pm
Wednesday & Thursday 10 am to 6 pm
Your Donation = Community Investment
OffCenter is a community arts center in every sense: we’re here to serve our community, celebrate creativity in our community, and we exist only because of the support of our community. Whether you can donate $5 or $5,000, your support is needed, appreciated, and impactful.